
Odd little stories I can’t find a better home for.

Created concept artwork for William Gibson

I'll let the picture tell the story here, but I do love how small social media has made the world.

A Twitter story with William Gibson

I appear in the FCP X documentary “Off The Tracks”

I was interviewed for and appear in Bradley Olsen's documentary, "Off The Tracks", about the launch of Final Cut Pro X and what's happened since. I also contributed video and stills (of the Apple campus and behind the scenes at the filming of MacBreak Studio) which appear in the movie. Many other people also appear in the doco, including the original creator of FCP 7/FCP X/iMovie/Premiere, Randy Ubillos. You can buy it now from the official movie website.

off-the-tracks lower third

Created a Shakespeare-inspired video with my daughter that was featured on the Daily Mail and Telegraph

With my daughter, I created a short film in which she said a line of the Shakespeare speech "All The World's A Stage" every now and again for eighteen months, mostly using props or settings that reflected the line. It became a minor viral hit in August 2014, featured in the Daily Mail and the Telegraph, but interestingly, Benedict Cumberbatch voiced a very similar piece (the same speech, starting with very similar orchestral music) for a BBC promo that came out a few months later in October. Coincidence? Possibly.


Won a national art grant to create an art piece called Identikit, then talked about it on TV

Way back in 1998, I applied for a grant to create a piece of multimedia art in a project called Stuff-Art, which had to fit on a floppy disk (that's 1.4MB or less). I got one of the eight grants, then created Identikit, a fun way to rearrange your friends faces, and then got to travel to Melbourne to be interviewed on Recovery, an awesome Saturday morning TV show. Here's the part of the show with me on it. [LINK] (Fun fact: co-host Leigh Whannel went on to write and appear in horror film Saw.)

Identikit was later reborn in 3D and exhibited as art (seen below) which then formed the basis of a TV game show that went to pilot stage. (You'll have to ask me in person about that one.)


Created original icon sets distributed on CD-ROMs in Japan

In the early 1990s, I created a set of manilla folder icons for Mac OS (pre OS X). They proved popular, and were distributed in Japan on a DVD-ROM with other work from around the world.

Yes, I’m on IMDB

As I'm in Off The Tracks, I'm listed twice, once as myself, and once for graphic design on All My Friends Are Leaving Brisbane, for a book cover that only appears in a deleted scene.

Built Queensland Island in Second Life for the Queensland Government

This was a great job, building an island in the shape of Queensland, populating it with appropriate greenery and signage, then making sure it was suitable for the Minister for Youth to host a meeting of young people from all over Queensland. It was a blast, but all that remains now is a video and several screenshots. The video is private, but if you want to see it, ask me for the password and click here.